To keep your eyes healthy and contact lenses feeling comfortable it is essential that you follow the advice and steps given by our EyeCare Specialists. Below are some tips on how to safely handle your lenses and clean them.



Wash Hands

Wash and dry your hands using mild soap


Rinse Lens

Rinse each side for at least 20 seconds


Check Lens

Check upright and no scratches or tears

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Insert Lens in Eye

Using index or middle finger safely insert lens

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Wash and Rinse Case

Rinse case with solution, and leave overturned and open for air dry

lens cleaner

Cleaning Your Lens

STEP 1: Always wash and dry hands before handling lenses.

STEP 2: Place at least 3 drops of Biotrue Multi-Purpose Solution on each side of lens surface and gently rub for 20 seconds.

STEP 3: Thoroughly rinse each side of the lens for 5 seconds with Solution.

STEP 4: Place cleaned contact lenses in the lens case and fill with fresh Biotrue Multi-Purpose Solution. Soak at least 4 hours. Remember to always use fresh solution – discard solution from lens case after each use.

STEP 5: Your lenses are now ready to wear. If any debris remains on contact lenses, rinse with Biotrue Multi-Purpose Solution prior to insertion. Always follow your eye care professional’s instructions


Lens Insertion

STEP 1:  Wash and dry your hands using mild soap and a lint-free towel. Make sure your hands are completely dry.

STEP 2:  Remove your lens from its pack. Gently scoop lens onto tip of your index finger. Check the lens is the right way up it should sit on top of your finger like a bowl. You shouldn’t see any tears or scratches. 

STEP 3:  Place the middle finger of the same hand close to your lower eyelashes and pull down the lower lid. Use the forefinger or middle finger of the other hand to lift the upper lid. Place the lens on the eye. 

STEP 4:  Gently release the lids and blink. The lens will centre automatically. If everything looks and feels fine, you’re all set. Now repeat with your second lens! 


Lens Removal

STEP 1:  Wash and dry your hands using mild soap and a lint-free towel. Make sure your hands are completely dry.

STEP 2:  Look up and open wide. Keep your head still but look upward with your eyes. Slide the lens to the lower part (white) of the eye using the forefinger.

STEP 3:  Squeeze off softly. Gently pinch the lens between the thumb and forefinger. Remove the lens. Be sure to use a gentle touch so you don’t damage the lens.

STEP 4:  If you wear daily lenses, you can dispose of the lenses in your trash after you remove them. If you wear monthly reusable, then clean and store them according to the instructions provided by our specialists

Insertion & Removal Tutorials


Contact Lens Do’s

1. Always wash AND dry hands prior to handling contact lenses

2. Apply same lens first to avoid mixing up

3. Always check lenses are the correct way round before applying

4. Always check for signs of damage prior to applying

5. Rub, rinse and store your lenses in the recommended solution before and after each use

6. Discard and replace with fresh solution each time lenses are stored.

7. Clean the lens case with solution, wipe with a clean tissue then air-dry face down after each use

8. Discard solutions that are past their expiry date

9. Use only the lenses/solutions specified by your Eye Care practitioner

10. Make sure you take all the solutions you need with you when travelling

11. Stick strictly to the recommended wearing schedule and replacement frequency

12. Have an up-to-date pair of spectacles for when you need to remove your lenses

13. Always apply contact lenses PRIOR to make-up

14. Always remove contact lenses PRIOR to removing makeup

15. Replace your lens case at least monthly or as recommended

Contact Lens Do Not’s

 1. Don’t use tap water, or any other water, or saliva on your lenses or lens case

2. Don’t re-use or top up solution

3. Don’t decant solution into smaller containers

4. Don’t wear lenses left in the case for more than seven days without cleaning and storing them in fresh solution

5. Don’t switch the solution you use except on the advice of your Eye Care Practitioner

6. Don’t clean and store Daily Disposables overnight for re-use

7. Don’t put a lens on the eye if it falls on the floor or other surface, without cleaning and storing again

8. Don’t apply a lens if it is dirty, dusty or damaged

9. Don’t continue to wear your lenses if your eyes don’t feel good, look good, or see well

10. Don’t sleep in your lenses unless specifically advised to by your practitioner

11. Don’t wear any specified overnight lens if you are unwell

12. Don’t use your lenses for swimming, hot tubs or water sports, unless wearing tight fitting goggles

13. Don’t wear your lenses when showering

14. Don’t share contact lenses or wear any lenses not specified by your practitioner

15. Don’t re-use Daily Disposables: These are single use lenses only


Patient Lens Guide Booklet
Bausch & Lomb Patient Booklet
Biotrue Patient Booklet

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Please be aware a recent eye examination is necessary before receiving your FREE CONTACT LENS TRIAL.


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